The subject of prayer in a language other than Arabic may seem somewhat strange and irrelevant, especially among the general Muslim population. Perhaps we find that it is as unquestionable assumptions and axioms in this category of Muslims who are not allowed to raise questions or deal with this issue, especially among people who have been associated with Islam and its supplements in its Arabic version. Islam came down in an Arab region, and the Quran was revealed in conspicuous Arabic language. It is natural then the prayer is performed only in Arabic. But what many may not know is that the issue of prayer in a language other than Arabic in Islam is not new. The previous Muslim scholars have dealt with the subject for generations. If this is the case, what is the jurisprudential position in this matter? Did the legal texts give this issue importance? Religiously and rationally talking is it unlawful to perform prayer in any language in Islam other than Arabic? Considering that God is the creator of human beings and their languages? And above all, what are the legitimate purposes for which this prayer is imposed daily on the Muslim? These and other questions are what this brief study tries to answer. The following topics were discussed in the research:
– A clear statement of the purpose of the jurisprudential intentions.
– The legitimate purposes of prayer.
– Reading in prayer.
– Reciting non-Arabic language in prayer.
– The doctrines of jurisprudence in the matter.
– Objections and responses.
– Selected opinion.
The study concluded that the wise legislator has imposed these prayers on [Muslim] in order to achieve the interest of the Muslim in his spiritual side, which needs nourishment, as the body needs food, and all aspects of prayer have a specific destination that have been made clear by the most prominent scholars in the folds of their interpretations and explanations. The researcher also chose the view that said the prayer is not valid in its legal meaning without the language in which the texts were revealed for two reasons: The first is the strength of the evidence, which is based on the view of those who say this view, such as the sayings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), “pray the way you saw me praying” And so on so forth. The second is that this prayer is one of the obligatory acts of worship in Islam and all worships should be taken as such. Thanks to Allah, the Lord of the Universe.